About Us
The Socialist Rifle Association of Philadelphia promotes and advocates for the right of the poor and working class people of color, trans and queer people, indigenous peoples, and non-men to self defense and community defense. The Chapter seeks to provide a positive, leftist space for the discussion of firearms and other means of self defense. The Chapter additionally seeks to provide members with the ability to learn other valuable skills, such as first aid, radio operation, disaster response, and community advocacy. The Chapter will always strive to be a positive and ethical force in the community to promote socialistic change and inclusiveness. We Protect Us!
Instagram/ Twitter: PhillySRA
Facebook: Socialist Rifle Association
PhiladelphiaContact: PhillySRA@protonmail.com
For joining please refer to our national website: socialistra.org
Peoples Hoagie Campaign
The Peoples Hoagie Campaign distributes food, clothing, and medical supplies to the residents of Kensington.
To volunteer please contact phillysramutualaid@gmail.com.